Symmetry for Health:
Postural Alignment Therapy
Symmetry for Health
Symmetry is a physics-based corrective exercise program that focuses on pain relief and performance enhancement. The specific sequence of movements that bring your body back into alignment are unique to you, determined by the measurement of your alignment at each office visit.

How it works:
Objective Measurements
At each office visit, we will use our Postural Assessment Tool to take 20 measurements of your standing posture. This is done in a few minutes, fully clothed. We will compare your measurements from session to session, and you will gain an understanding of how these measurements relate your misalignments to your pain or physical limitations. These objective measurements allow us to quantify your posture, rather than using subjective methods.
Corrective Exercise Routines
Based on your misalignments, availability, physical capabilities, injuries, and goals, you will be given a personalized corrective exercise routine that you will perform on your own twice a day. Each routine addresses your unique physical requirements. Every office visit yields new measurements and therefore a new set of exercises. The program has the Correction, Strengthening, and Transformation phases, totaling 16 visits spread over one year to allow enough time for your body to adapt from its old patterns to optimal alignment.
Full Time Support
You will be provided with online access to the state-of-the-art software program designed to aid you in your success, including daily check-ins with us, and color pictures and videos of your routines. This easy online interface keeps us in contact so any changes or feedback are just a few clicks away.
Will Symmetry work for me?
Symmetry specializes in identifying the cause of postural weakness, or dysfunction, by focusing on physics instead of pain. We re-train the entire body system as a whole, restoring strength and balance to each muscle group. Based on your measurements, we select specific exercises from a database of more than 350! Each exercise is designed to correct a specific deviation away from the planes of motion, which represents the accurate holding pattern of our bodies around gravity. These exercises mimic the stimulus we no longer receive through our daily activities. This serves to “re-create” the neural pathways that our ancestors relied on; pathways allowing the brain to send correct signals to the muscles, telling them how to correctly hold and move bone. In addition, Symmetry restores strength and balance to these muscle groups so that when the brain transmits the correct signal, or instructions, to them, they have the physical ability to perform optimally.